#54216 - 04/14/05 12:30 PM
Re: kn5000 vs kn7000 [HELP]
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5524
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
Hi Marco I had a kn5000 for three years before I bought the 7000.I too thought the 5000 was great until I got the 7000. Much much better in every way. I good write a book on the differences.
I can't understand why you can't play the one in the store,but Rog is right. Investigate the sounds,etc.,but they are getting hard to find and if you can get one that is good,do it.
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact
#54217 - 04/14/05 02:12 PM
Re: kn5000 vs kn7000 [HELP]
Registered: 08/23/03
Posts: 190
Loc: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Originally posted by metaldream: Hi all! this is my first post, my name is Marco and I'm italian.
I don't know if buy kn7000 or stay with my kn5000.
Are sounds really differents? ... because i'm not so interesting about "video-clip" function or SD card... yes they are cool but are not the reason for me to buy it.
So my only question is, SOUNDS between kn5000 and kn7000 are different? is better kn7000?
Hello, I will help you out: First of all I will send you a bunch of mp3's which I created on my KN7000. In our church we have a KN5000 that I played for several years. And in a band it is good enough. But for personal joy the KN7000 is so much nicer. I also like to comment on your remark about the SD Card. Once you have a simple SD Card reader hooked on your PC and our KN-SDExplorer tool, you throw all floppies out of the window. With the SD Card the loading of a song is approx. 2 seconds. And for your songs you can use 16 characters and no necessary use of two digits for the number to name your songs, using small and Capital letters. With our tool you can handle songs as if they were single files: copy, move, paste, rename, import, export. Just have a look on http://kn-sdexplorer.has.it to find all the details with screenshots, FAQ, tutorial, and demo version to download. ... and enjoy listening to my music. I will send it via yousendit.com Regards, Fred http://fred.kn7000.net
Kind Regards, Fred
#54221 - 04/15/05 03:44 PM
Re: kn5000 vs kn7000 [HELP]
Registered: 08/23/03
Posts: 190
Loc: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Marco, So first of all: I assume that you received my "yousendit" email with the whole bunch. The uploading seemed to take so long, that I broke it off. But sometimes the uploading is finished, but the browser thinks not  About details: sometimes I record realtime, but more times I use step record for the Chord line. Then I record the melody lines realtime on top of it and finally I add fill-ins, and other effects as finishing touch. Regarding the guitar sounds I used: they are original KN7000. I hardly do sound editing. The KN7000 has so many sounds.... I have another suggestion. I am webmaster for my keyboard retailer. Although the site is Dutch I will direct you to a page where you can download mp3's of demo MIDI's of the optional wave expansion boards. Then you can hear that I don't have to edit sounds. Go to http://www.keyboard-centrum.nl, then select 'Assortiment' from the top menu and then 'Accessoires' from the left and finally the blue hyperlink at the bottom of the page. This brings you to the page where you can download the mp3's, 8 in total, one behind each picture. Finally: Comparing the Tyros with KN7000: Tyros also sounds nice, but mechanically it is toy stuff compared with KN7000's robustness. And it's personal, but I find the KN-UI more intuitive. The menu structure is easier to me. Regards, Fred http://vision4life.lifewithchrist.org
Kind Regards, Fred